Productivity is a very important aspect of life, especially in your workplace. Without productivity, you are basically lost in your workplace and you will fail on almost everything you try to accomplish. What are the ways in which your team engages in their daily tasks at work? Your own morale at work depends on your workplace, your happiness, and your productivity. How does your team engage in their everyday tasks at work? ... Workplace, Happiness, and Productivity are key to boosting your own morale at work.
Productivity is the measure of a worker’s output in an hour. The more productive a worker is, the more he or she can do in a given time. That’s why productivity is so important. Without it, your business will be unable to stay afloat. And for managers, keeping employees (and yourself!) productive is a balancing act of getting work done and not burning out. This means you must create an environment where your team can thrive while simultaneously enforcing structure and accountability.
The first step in creating this productive environment? Giving your staff enough information to know what needs to be done and when it needs to be done. For example, when you assign a project, please send a link to the instructions so employees can be as prepared as possible before they begin working on it. And when your employee completes their portion of the project, make sure you take the time to acknowledge their hard work with praise or recognition (or both!), so they feel valued. High-fives are also encouraged!
Is your staff giving 100% or are they working at 75%? We’re not here to judge. Really, we’re not. But you might want to know just how well your company is performing. That’s why there’s a variety of new tools for employee productivity analytics available. No personally identifiable information is stored in these cookies.
Toggl for example is a time-tracking tool that can help you improve office productivity. It integrates with Google Chrome and allows your team to track their work hours and breaks at the same time. It will also help you determine if employees are working as efficiently as they could be by tracking their top activities as well as stats like productivity rates and more. This will give you a glimpse of where you are at when it comes to your teams productivity.
There are many factors that we face on a daily basis that impact negatively on us and decrease our productivity, so you have to be vigilant. After facing negativity you need to stand tall against it all, and learn how to balance your productivity. All kinds of meetings can have an impact to this, even the standing meetings. This way you can communicate everything, for instance your daily to do list, it can be one thing, two or three that will make your process easier once discussed in a group and you get the idea of how you can improve them.
This can be easily done in simple three steps. We’ll give you three ways to increase productivity, and how you can use them in your everyday life. Why put this list together? Because no company can avoid the necessity for high levels of productivity. It‘s obvious that some circumstances easily lower motivation and productivity. However, you can combat this and boost productivity if you know how to lower the likelihood of these causes and take effective remedies when they do arise.
Any project or business that succeeds needs a strong plan and dedicated team members to make it happen. However, how well your efforts are used at work, or how productive you are, has a big impact on how far and how quickly you can advance. A precise plan for “what must happen when and how” is necessary to maximize productivity.
It takes time, patience, and flexibility to prioritize a productivity approach. How a person feels about their job and company has a direct impact on how productive they are at work. It's the responsibility of managers and business leaders to establish an environment that is stimulating enough to keep employees on task.
With remote work, this is now more crucial than ever. Plans that involve employees both at work and from home must be created. Your chances of increasing production are better the more you can hold your team's interest and attention. You can do this by:
Any feedback you can share would be great and would help me continue to improve in my job search and career!
There are all sorts of productivity apps, productivity classes, and productivity consultants available to help you with boosting your work productivity. Here are three ways to increase your workplace productivity.
1. Automation
Having a systematized approach to business gives you more time to focus on the results you want to achieve. Automating some of your tasks and processes allows you to spend more time on new and innovative ideas for growing your business.
2. Accountability
Accountability is extremely important in every business environment, but accountability from your employees will increase productivity and engagement. This is why it’s important to establish an employee review process that’s worked for you in the past.
3. Teamwork
There are many reasons why teamwork is so beneficial for workplace productivity. Working in teams enables you to delegate some of the work off your plate and enables others who do not have your expertise to handle tasks outside their usual scope.
When you take into account all of these strategies and strategies you’ve used in the past and come up with a plan that works for you and your team, you’ll be well on your way to increased productivity!
To-do list templates
A great way to boost workplace productivity is by implementing a to-do list template that works with the way you work best. These templates can be downloaded, printed, and edited with basic editing software before being printed and used at work or at home.
First, you need to know that there are two reasons why people are unproductive.
There are simple and easy solutions to this. Starting with good habits, we can replace our bad habits and reactive patterns, and take charge of our workdays. Let’s go through some good habits below.
The commuters who get up early, the workers who work long hours, and the people who have too many responsibilities at home aren't getting enough sleep. Sleep deprivation negatively impacts our performance in many ways. We lose concentration, working memory, mathematical capacity, and logical reasoning when we lack sleep.
The prefrontal cortex is particularly vulnerable to sleep deprivation, so tasks that require logical reasoning or complex thinking will be the most affected. A single night of sleep deprivation can negatively impact our productivity, so take your bedtime seriously and turn off Netflix early tonight!
Your bedtime is not the only thing to focus on, though. Sleep hygiene, in general, is key. This means making your room cold, dark, and quiet. It means trying to keep the same bedtime and wake time so your body gets into a routine. Consider taking a warm shower just before bed to raise your core body temperature.
Our culture is sadly based on interruptions, which can be highly detrimental to productivity. Electronic gadget notifications frequently just serve to increase the distraction. In fact, a lot of people are so used to being stopped at work that they actively aim one out when they aren't.
Let’s make this clear - your performance is harmed by distraction and constant multitasking.
You might avoid having interruptions disrupt a focused workflow by checking for all necessary information before jumping into a task. You might want to disable all desktop and mobile application notifications. Think about merely handling each request once per day and checking your email four times a day. Reducing distractions and improving focus may be made possible by maintaining control over your electronics.
This is all pointing towards the concept of “deep work”. You can even book time in your own calendar and put yourself away in Slack or Microsoft Teams to avoid the constant pings and “5-minute chats” (that always seem to last 30 minutes?)
It destroys productivity. Numerous studies have shown that switching tasks can cause brain bottlenecks that lower productivity by as much as 40%. Stop attempting to accomplish everything at once.
You may think you’re effective by ‘doing 3 things at once but I can promise you, you aren’t. Create a to do list first this will help you save time and avoid distractions. In fact turn to do lists into your daily habit, make a to do list.
Instead, focus only on one work at a time to significantly boost productivity. Consider how crucial it is to preserve all of your small gray cells when your eyes and hands begin to wander toward something else.
A good way to solve this problem is to stack rank your tasks. Think about the difficulty as well as the value of each task and then do the obvious thing. Do The Highest Value + Easiest Thing First.
When you take time to make a clean list it’s easier to stay focused instead of just jumping into the random daily tasks after another random task as they pop into your head or new ideas that might show up in your creative imagination.
Nothing is worse than having someone interrupt you while you are working on something important. The majority of workspaces are now open-plan, making it simpler than ever to strike up a discussion with a coworker. While there is definitely nothing wrong with this, it can be very distracting when you have a deadline.
The best approach to deal with this is to put on a set of headphones. Even if you're not actually listening to anything, doing so sends the message that you'd like some space without having to actually cut someone off. Put on a sound effect like pouring rain or white noise to help you focus if you can still hear people talking around you.
There seems to be an odd expectation at work to be reachable by email constantly. But set out certain times of the day to check your inbox, and then turn off notifications the rest of the time, unless you actually need to be available for anything in particular. One of the biggest distractions is when badges appear on your screen, and it may be quite difficult to resist the urge to respond quickly. Get rid of the temptation altogether; if you don't respond to a message right quickly, the world won't come to a grinding halt.
Trying to concentrate for 4 hours straight, from 9 in the morning till lunch, is not particularly effective. Give yourself a five or ten minute break once per hour. Get up from your desk and go outdoors for some fresh air. You can also grab a coffee or just a large glass of water. It's advantageous to step beyond the work zone on a frequent basis because doing so actually helps us return to the current activity with more clarity and vigor. This is not an excuse to check your emails or phone though; in order to feel rejuvenated, our brains require a total vacation from screens.
A dedicated project management tool such as PlanHQ can give you access to an array of tech tools that can improve productivity on large projects and multiple teams during workplace collaboration.
For example, you can integrate PlanHQ into Slack so that everyone on your team can communicate seamlessly through the cloud-based messaging platform instead of having separate emails for each project task assigned by your manager or client. You can also use PlanHQ to set up “team chats” where all your employees can communicate with one another about projects without having to go through multiple emails with attachments or other unnecessary files. There are many ways in which PlanHQ can improve team productivity when paired with other tools such as Slack, Wrenly, JIRA, Trello, and Google Calendar.
Taking advantage of these tools will allow you and your employees to communicate more effectively and efficiently when completing large projects as a team instead of individually.
Example 1: Blank project checklist – Word format (.docx) (.pdf)
An easy-to-use checklist template that can be customized for different companies.
Example 2: Blank project checklist – Excel format (.xlsx) (.xls)
Another easy-to-use checklist template that can be customized for different companies.
Example 3: Blank project checklist – Google Sheets format (.gsheet) (.csv)
Another easy-to-use checklist template that can be customized for different companies.
Example 1: Project timeline template – Excel format (.xlsx) (.csv) An easy-to-use timeline template that can be customized for different projects.
Example 2: Project timeline template – Google Sheets format (.gsheet) A simple, six-month timeline template that highlights major milestones included in a project or task.
Example 3: Project timeline template – Excel format (.xlsx) A simple, three-phase timeline template that highlights major milestones included in a project or task.
Example 1: Task tracking spreadsheet (Excel format ⇒ XLSX/.XLS/.CSV/.PDF) An easy-to-use spreadsheet template that can be customized for different tasks being tracked.
Example 2: Task tracking spreadsheet (Google Sheets format ⇒ GSHEET/CSV/.XLS/) An easy-to-use spreadsheet template that can be customized for different tasks being tracked.
Example 3: Task tracking spreadsheet (Google Sheets format ⇒ GSHEET/CSV/.XLS/) An easy-to-use spreadsheet template that can be customized for different tasks being tracked.
Training less productive employees on new skills will get them up to speed, so there’s no reason your workplace shouldn’t be a fun, engaging place to work.
The workplace should be fun and engaging, but we also have to face the facts and be realistic about the situation. Several factors can contribute to low employee productivity – not only in the working environment but also in the outside world.
Creating a culture where employees feel like they can talk about their worries and fears will go a long way toward closing the productivity gap for many employees.
But even more importantly, creating a working environment that increases productivity and engagement will help your employees embrace their work which will inevitably lead to higher productivity.
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