To launch performance reviews you must have user groups with managers set up. This allows Wrenly to know who is on each team (so they can review each other) and which managers need to review which employees.
You can launch performance reviews for one user group, many, or all user groups.
You can customize:
The day of the launch (by default performance reviews are open for 7 days, but admins can extend this on the 7th day if you need more responses)
How many team members each employee needs to review
If people need to review themselves
If employees need to review their manager
If the reviews are anonymous
What skills/questions will be asked
While performance reviews are live
Wrenly admins will get an update on the completion rates on the 3rd and 7th (final) days of the performance review
Employees who have not completed their reviews will get a reminder from Wrenly on the 3rd and 7th day
Performance review answers/comments are not visible until the reviews are closed to protect anonymity and to prevent biases from viewing incomplete data
Closing performance reviews & viewing the data
By default the performance review period will close after 5 days, admins will have a chance to extend this another 7 days if they’d like
Once performance reviews are closed all answers/comments will be visible to Wrenly admins. Managers will also be able to view the responses/scores of employees on their team.
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