ali khan
Ali Khan
Published On
July 28, 2024
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In-depth HeyTaco Review 2024: Our 30 Days Findings

If you’ve been wondering whether HeyTaco is the right tool for recognizing your team’s hard work and you’re looking for a straightforward review, you’re in the right place.

Simply put, HeyTaco is a fun and engaging recognition tool that works primarily with Slack, allowing you to show appreciation through virtual tacos. However, it’s important to understand both the benefits and drawbacks before deciding if it’s the best fit for your team.

Stick around as we cover:

  • The best features of HeyTaco
  • The biggest cons of HeyTaco
  • How much HeyTaco costs
  • The #1 alternative to HeyTaco: Wrenly
  • Our final thoughts on whether HeyTaco is right for you

This isn’t just another review you find online. I want to guide you through this like we’re having a friendly chat. I’ve got plenty of experience using various employee recognition tools, so you’ll get an honest and transparent review.

So, What is HeyTaco? 

This image shows the homepage of Heytaco

HeyTaco is a recognition and appreciation tool that helps people at work show appreciation and recognize each other's efforts. 

It works mainly with Slack, a popular workplace messaging app. 

With HeyTaco, you can send "tacos" to your teammates to say thank you or well done. 

Think of tacos as little tokens of appreciation. This makes saying thanks more fun and turns it into a game, which helps create a happy and positive work environment.

So, if someone on your team does a great job, you can send them a taco to show your gratitude. 

It's a simple and enjoyable way to make sure everyone feels valued and motivated at work.

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What features does HeyTaco offer? 

Here are some of the main features that make HeyTaco fun and useful:

Slack Integration HeyTaco works directly with Slack. You and your team can give tacos right in your Slack channels. This means you don't have to leave Slack to show appreciation. It's quick and easy!

This image shows the integrations of Heytaco

Recognition and Rewards With HeyTaco, you can give tacos to your coworkers to say thank you or great job. These tacos add up and can be traded for rewards. It's a simple way to show you care and keep everyone motivated.

This image shows the recognition feature in Heytaco

Leaderboard HeyTaco keeps track of how many tacos everyone gives and gets. It shows this information on leaderboards, making it a friendly competition. This can be fun and encourage more people to give tacos.

This image shows the employee leaderboard in Heytaco

Customizable Rewards You can set up rewards that fit your team best. This makes the whole process more meaningful because the rewards are tailored to what your team values most.

This image shows the employee rewards in Heytaco

Stickers Sometimes, a little fun goes a long way. HeyTaco lets you send stickers that are worth tacos. It's a playful way to show appreciation and make the experience more enjoyable.

Analytics HeyTaco also provides insights into how people are using it. You can see patterns and statistics about taco giving and receiving. This helps you understand how recognition is working in your team.

This image shows the data analytics in Heytaco

So, with HeyTaco, you get a simple, fun, and effective way to show appreciation, keep everyone motivated, and build a positive team culture.

HeyTaco Pricing

This image shows the pricing of Heytaco

There are different pricing plans to fit the needs of your team or company. Here's a simple breakdown:

Free Trial You can try HeyTaco for free for 30 days. You don't need a credit card to start, and you can cancel anytime if you don't like it. It's a great way to see if HeyTaco is a good fit for your team without any commitment.

Employee Recognition Leader

  • Cost: $3.00 per person per month
  • Details: This plan is simple and has a fixed price per user. It's a good choice if you have a clear idea of who will be using HeyTaco.

Everyone Plan

  • Cost: $3.00 per person per month
  • Details: In this plan, everyone who gives or gets a taco is automatically added to your subscription. This is perfect for companies that want to include everyone and don't want to manually track who is using HeyTaco.

Team Plan

  • Cost: $3.00 per person per month
  • Details: You only pay for the people you choose to include. This plan is designed to make purchasing easy and affordable, letting you control exactly who is part of the subscription.

Enterprise Plan

  • Details: If you have a large team (over 100 people), HeyTaco offers special pricing. You can schedule a 15-minute call with HeyTaco's sales team to get a customized quote and discuss pricing options that fit your needs.

These different plans give you flexibility depending on how big your team is and how you want to manage who uses HeyTaco. The free trial is a great way to explore all the features and decide which plan works best for you and your organization.

What are the benefits of using HeyTaco? 

Here are some key benefits:

Encourages Gratitude

This image shows the user review of Heytaco in G2

 HeyTaco helps you and your coworkers show appreciation for each other. When people feel appreciated, it boosts their mood and team spirit. It's a simple way to say "thank you" and "great job," which can make a big difference in how everyone feels at work.

Easy to Use 

This image shows the user review of Heytaco in G2

Because HeyTaco works directly with Slack, it's very easy to use. You can give and receive tacos right in your Slack channels without needing to use a different app. This makes it convenient and quick to show appreciation.

Fun and Engaging 

This image shows the user review of Heytaco in G2

HeyTaco turns recognition into a game. Features like leaderboards and stickers make giving and receiving tacos fun. This playful approach makes the whole process more enjoyable for everyone.


You can customize HeyTaco to fit your team's specific needs. You can set up rewards that are meaningful to your team, making the recognition system more relevant and impactful.

Positive Workplace Impact 

This image shows the user review of Heytaco in G2

Using HeyTaco can help build strong relationships and a supportive work environment. When people feel recognized and valued, it creates a positive atmosphere where everyone is motivated to do their best.

So, using HeyTaco not only makes it easy to show appreciation but also makes it fun and meaningful, helping to create a happier and more connected team.

Why Should You Think About a HeyTaco Alternative?

1. Cost:

This image shows the user review of Heytaco in G2

HeyTaco can be expensive. If you’re a small company or have a tight budget, it might feel like you’re spending too much money. 

This image shows the user review of Heytaco in G2

There are other options out there that might be cheaper and still offer what you need.

2. Too Many Notifications:

When people use HeyTaco a lot, it can send out many notifications. This can be distracting and might make it hard to focus on your work. 

Too many notifications can also make people tired of the app quickly.

3. Bias Towards Vocal Members::

Sometimes, people who are louder or more outgoing get more tacos. This means quieter team members might not get noticed as much, even if they are doing great work. 

This can make things feel unfair.

This image shows the user review of Heytaco in G2

4. Visibility Concerns: 

Popular team members might get more attention, which can make others feel left out, even if they deserve recognition too.

5. Problems with Rewards:

This image shows the user review of Heytaco in G2

Some people have trouble using their tacos to get rewards. The process can be confusing, especially with features like "super tacos." 

This can be frustrating and make people less interested in using the app.

6. Limited Customization:

  • Wanting More Features: HeyTaco doesn’t offer a lot of ways to customize the app. Some users wish they could add more features, change themes, or personalize it to fit their team better.
This image shows the user review of Heytaco in G2
  • Better User Experience: If you have more control over how the app looks and works, it can make using it more fun and engaging. This can help your team stay motivated and feel more appreciated.

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#1 HeyTaco alternative - Wrenly: With great multi-platform integration, flexible recognition methods, and cost-effective solutions.

This image shows the integration of slack with Wrenly

So, Wrenly is a platform designed to help teams recognize and appreciate each other’s hard work. 

It’s all about making sure everyone feels valued and motivated at work.

 If you’re thinking about finding a different option than HeyTaco for recognizing your team, Wrenly might be a great choice. 

Let’s chat about why Wrenly could be a better fit for you and your team.

Why Wrenly is a Great HeyTaco Alternative

1. Works with Different Tools:

  • HeyTaco: It mainly works with Slack. This is great if you already use Slack, but not so much if you don’t.
  • Wrenly: It works with lots of different tools like Slack, Microsoft Teams, and others. 

This means you can use Wrenly no matter what communication tools your team prefers.

2. Different Ways to Say Thanks:

  • HeyTaco: Uses tacos as the main way to say thanks. This can be fun but might not suit everyone.
  • Wrenly: Offers many ways to recognize people, like badges, points, and custom messages. This way, you can pick what fits best with your team’s style and preferences.

3. Better Reports and Insights:

  • HeyTaco: Gives you basic insights into how recognition is happening but doesn’t go too deep.
  • Wrenly: Provides detailed reports and analytics. You can see exactly how recognition is being spread around and how it’s impacting your team. This can help you make better decisions to improve your workplace.
Thiis image shows the culture score feature in Slack
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4. Fair and Inclusive Recognition:

  • HeyTaco: Sometimes, louder and more social team members get more recognition, leaving quieter people out.
  • Wrenly: Has automated reminders to encourage recognizing everyone, including quieter team members. This helps make sure everyone gets fair recognition.

5. Customizing Rewards and Processes:

  • HeyTaco: Allows some customization but is a bit limited.
  • Wrenly: Offers lots of options to customize rewards and recognition processes to fit your team’s needs and values. This makes the system more meaningful and relevant to everyone.
This image shows the recognitions insights feature in Slack

6. Gathering Feedback:

  • HeyTaco: Focuses mainly on recognition and doesn’t include tools for getting feedback from your team.
This image shows the homepage of Wrenly
This image shows the survey feature in Wrenly

7. Great for Big Teams:

  • HeyTaco: Offers special pricing for large teams but might lack some advanced features that big companies need.
  • Wrenly: Designed to grow with your team and has advanced features for larger organizations, including customizable pricing plans and extra support. This makes it a great fit for big companies.

8. More Cost-Effective:

  • HeyTaco: Costs $3 per person per month, which can get expensive for big teams.
  • Wrenly: Starts at $1 per user per month with additional features available for another $1 per user per month. This means you only pay for the features you need, making it more affordable, especially for larger teams.

In conclusion, is HeyTaco the right choice for your team?

HeyTaco is a fun and engaging tool for recognizing employee efforts, primarily integrating with Slack. It allows you to send virtual tacos as tokens of appreciation, creating a positive work environment. Key features include:

  • Easy Slack integration
  • Fun recognition through tacos
  • Leaderboards and customizable rewards
  • Basic analytics

However, there are several downsides to consider:

  • High cost: $3 per person per month can add up for large teams.
  • Overwhelming notifications: Can distract and reduce productivity.
  • Bias towards vocal members: Quieter employees might get overlooked.
  • Limited customization and issues with rewards redemption

Given these challenges, Wrenly emerges as a robust alternative with advantages such as multi-platform integration, diverse recognition methods, in-depth analytics, fair and inclusive recognition, extensive customization, feedback tools, scalability for large teams, and cost efficiency.

If you’re looking for a versatile, cost-effective solution that fits various communication tools and offers comprehensive features, Wrenly might be the perfect fit for your team.

Ready to enhance your team’s recognition process? Try Wrenly today!

We hope this review was helpful in your decision-making process. Thank you for reading!

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Ali is a co-founder of Wrenly known for his innovative thinking and exceptional drive to create value for every Wrenly customer. His dedication, mentorship, and leadership skills have not only shaped various careers but have also made him an invaluable asset to the Wrenly team.

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