ali khan
Ali Khan
Published On
July 17, 2024
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In-depth Culture Amp Review: 100+ HR's Experience Demystified

This blog is for you if…

  • Your employee engagement scores are lower than expected.
  • You’re struggling to get insightful feedback from your surveys.
  • You’re exploring better tools to truly understand and engage your workforce.

Imagine you’re in the middle of your quarterly review, and despite all your efforts, the employee engagement scores are not looking good. 

You’ve tried everything, and yet, there’s still a disconnect. Maybe it’s not just your efforts but the tools you're using. 

Sound familiar?

If you're nodding along, you're probably here because you’re not getting the results you want with Culture Amp, or maybe you're just exploring better options for employee surveys and engagement

Well, you’re in the right place! 

I’ve gathered insights from 100+ HR professionals to give you a firsthand account of Culture Amp’s pros and cons.

Here’s what we’ll cover:

  • What is Culture Amp?
    Understand the basics and what makes it popular.

  • 5 Things HRs Liked About Culture Amp
    Discover the top features HRs love.

  • 5 Areas Where HRs Feel Disappointment
    Learn about the common pain points.

  • Culture Amp Pricing Explained
    Get a clear breakdown of the costs.

  • Exploring Alternative to Culture Amp
    Compare other top tools like Wrenly.

  • Which One is Best for Employee Surveys and Engagement?
    My honest recommendation based on thorough comparison.

But first, let’s quickly review why you might need a Culture Amp alternative:

  • Ease of Use: Should be user-friendly.
  • Survey Effectiveness: Should offer robust survey options.
  • Affordability: Should be cost-effective.
  • Customer Support: Should have good support.

By the end of this blog, you'll have a clear understanding of Culture Amp and its top alternatives, helping you make the best choice for your organization.

So, what are you waiting for? Start reading now and find out which tool can take your employee engagement to the next level!

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What is Culture AMP? 

Culture AMP

Culture Amp is a platform designed to help HR professionals improve employee engagement, performance, and development. It provides tools and insights to build a better workplace culture through various features.

The different platforms on Culture AMP
  • Performance Management: The platform supports ongoing conversations with features like anytime feedback, goal tracking, and development-focused reviews, aimed at building high-performing teams. 
Performance management on Culture AMP
  • Employee Development: It offers personalized, continuous development plans to help grow and retain talent effectively. 
Culture AMP perdonalised employee development

Using Culture Amp surveys, you can collect essential feedback, identify areas for improvement, and take action to enhance your workplace culture

Whether it’s through anonymous surveys or detailed performance evaluations, Culture Amp provides data to help you foster a better work environment.

In summary, Culture Amp is a tool designed to help HR professionals create a more engaged and high-performing workforce. 

5 Key Factors To Look Before Investing in Employee Experience Platform

Choosing the right employee experience platform is crucial for enhancing your workplace culture. Here are five key factors to consider before making an investment: 

5 Key Factors To Look Before Investing in Employee Experience Platform
  1. Employee Feedback Mechanisms:

    • An effective platform should offer comprehensive tools for collecting employee feedback
    • This includes regular surveys, pulse surveys, and open-ended feedback options. Platforms like Culture Amp excel in this area, providing various survey types to gauge employee sentiment accurately.

  2. Actionable Insights:

    • It’s not enough to collect data; the platform should also provide actionable insights. Look for platforms that analyze the data and offer recommendations for improvement. 
    • This helps you take meaningful actions based on the feedback received, driving real change in your organization.

  3. Real-time Data and Analytics:

    • Access to real-time data is essential for timely decision-making. The platform should offer robust analytics that allow you to track trends and monitor progress. 
    • Real-time dashboards can help you stay updated on employee engagement levels and other critical metrics.

  4. Integration with Existing Systems:

    • Ensure the platform can integrate seamlessly with your existing HR systems. This includes payroll, performance management, and other HR tools. 
    • Integration capabilities streamline processes and provide a more holistic view of your employee data.

  5. Support for Employee Development:

    • An ideal platform should support ongoing employee development through personalized learning and growth opportunities. 
    • Features like goal setting, performance reviews, and career development plans are vital for fostering employee growth and retention.

By focusing on these key factors, you can select an employee experience platform that not only fits your organization’s needs but also drives significant improvements in engagement and satisfaction. 

Tools like Culture Amp or Wrenly, with its comprehensive survey and feedback mechanisms, actionable insights, and robust analytics, are designed to meet these critical requirements and help you build a better workplace culture.

5 Features Culture Amp Users Appreciated 

Based on 300+ user experiences, here are the top 5 most popular features of Culture Amp:

1-on-1 Meeting Tools

Culture Amp’s 1-on-1 meeting feature makes scheduling, tracking, and documenting discussions with direct reports a breeze. 

It integrates with Google Calendar, so I don’t have to worry about missing any check-ins. 

Culture AMP user review on G2

This feature helps keep everything organized, making sure that each meeting is productive and focused on both practical and personal growth.

  • Easily schedule and track meetings
  • Integrates with Google Calendar
  • Helps keep meetings organized and productive

Life Lab Coaching Courses

The Life Lab coaching courses are a standout feature in Culture Amp. They provide accessible professional development for both employees and managers. 

Culture AMP user review on G2

These courses help improve skills and foster career growth, making it easier for everyone to develop personally and professionally. 

I find this especially useful for continuous learning and improvement.

  • Accessible coaching for professional development
  • Helps improve skills and career growth
  • Suitable for both employees and managers

User-Friendly Interface

Culture Amp’s interface is intuitive and easy to use, which makes it simple for HR professionals and employees to navigate. 

Culture AMP user review on G2

This ease of use helps in better adoption and more effective utilization of the tool. 

I appreciate that it doesn’t require extensive training, and everyone can quickly get the hang of it.

  • Intuitive and easy to use
  • Helps in better adoption
  • Requires minimal training

Comprehensive Onboarding Support

The onboarding process with Culture Amp is detailed and supportive, ensuring that I am well-equipped to use the platform from the start. 

The ongoing support from account managers and customer success teams is excellent, helping me maximize the platform's potential. 

This continuous support is invaluable, especially when I encounter any issues or need additional help.

  • Detailed and supportive onboarding process
  • Excellent ongoing support from account managers
  • Helps maximize the platform's potential

Integration Capabilities

Culture Amp integrates smoothly with various third-party tools like ADP and Slack. This seamless integration reduces the friction of switching between different systems, making the workflow more efficient. 

Culture AMP user review on G2

I find that having everything connected in one place helps streamline processes and improves overall productivity.

  • Integrates with ADP, Slack, and other tools
  • Reduces friction between systems
  • Streamlines processes and improves productivity

These features highlight why Culture Amp is highly valued by its users for improving employee engagement and development. 

5 Features Culture Amp Users Highly Complained 

Lack of Effective Feedback Management 

Managing feedback in Culture Amp is quite challenging. Feedback often gets lost or misplaced, making it difficult for me to find it when needed. 

This disorganization leads to missed opportunities for improvement and can be very frustrating when I need to follow up on important comments or suggestions. 

Culture AMP user review on G2
Rachel A. shares, "I wish I could create our own 1-on-1 templates and have a comprehensive page for each of my direct reports rather than just a feed."
  • Feedback gets lost or misplaced
  • Difficult to find specific feedback
  • Leads to missed opportunities for improvement

Complex Survey Setup 

Setting up surveys on Culture Amp is not as straightforward as I would like. The tools for creating surveys are complicated and not user-friendly, requiring a lot of time and effort. 

This complexity often discourages me from conducting regular employee engagement surveys, which are essential for understanding how the workforce feels. 

Culture AMP user review on G2
Stephanie G. comments, "I struggled with the setup of the Year-End Performance Review. Questions came up frequently, and it was incredibly intensive."
  • Complicated survey creation tools
  • Requires a lot of time and effort
  • Discourages regular survey conduction

Inconsistent Notification System 

The notification system in Culture Amp is unreliable. I often do not receive alerts when new feedback or survey responses come in. 

Culture AMP user review on G2

This inconsistency means that important information can be easily overlooked, reducing the effectiveness of the feedback and survey processes. A more reliable notification system would greatly improve my experience. 

Ben T. mentions, "There are times where feedback will be submitted to me, but it doesn't appear in the Feedback section."
  • Unreliable notification system
  • Often miss alerts for new feedback or survey responses
  • Important information can be overlooked

Limited Integration with Performance Reviews  

Integrating surveys and feedback with performance reviews in Culture Amp is not seamless. It is difficult to connect the insights from surveys and feedback directly to performance review processes. 

Culture AMP user review on G2

This disjointed experience makes it challenging to use the feedback to inform performance discussions and development plans effectively.  

Jade C. notes, "It would be handy to be able to view the self-reflection and peer feedback on the same screen while completing the manager review."
  • Poor integration with performance reviews
  • Difficult to connect survey insights to reviews
  • Hinders effective use of feedback in performance discussions

Overwhelming Documentation 

The documentation provided by Culture Amp is extensive but often overwhelming. It lacks simplicity and can be difficult to navigate. 

Culture AMP user review on G2

Instead of clear, actionable guides, I find dense and complicated instructions that hinder my ability to use the platform effectively without spending a lot of time trying to understand it. 

Stephanie G. also adds, "The articles for this scenario were missing many basic details. It required having a base level knowledge of the setup before you could understand the article."
  • Documentation is extensive and overwhelming
  • Lacks simplicity and clarity
  • Difficult to navigate and understand quickly

Culture Amp Pricing

Culture Amp offers various pricing plans based on the size of the organization and the features included. 

Pricing of Culture AMP

Here's why you might want to think twice before spending your hard-earned money:

Small Organizations (Less than 200 employees) 

The Self Service tier costs $30 per user for the Engagement plan, and $43 to $48 for the Engagement + Effectiveness plan. Sure, you get:

  • Engagement and pulse surveys
  • Retention insights
  • Action planning tools

Mid-Sized Organizations (200-1,000 employees): 

Contracts range from $9,000 to $17,600 for 200 employees and $14,600 to $25,800 for 1,000 employees. The Performance + Development Enterprise tier costs $65 to $81 per user, offering:

  • Performance reviews and 360° feedback
  • Development tracking
  • Goal setting and tracking

Large Organizations (Over 1,000 employees): 

Pricing ranges from $43,700 to $74,700. The Enterprise level of the Performance tier costs $118 to $122 per user

Features include:

  • Advanced performance management tools
  • Extensive integration capabilities
  • Real-time feedback

Engagement + Performance Standard Tier: 

Priced between $109 and $115 per user, it includes:

  • Engagement and pulse surveys
  • Performance reviews
  • Real-time feedback

Develop Tier: 

The lowest pricing at $28 to $29 per user includes:

  • Career paths and role tracks
  • Development plans
  • Competency frameworks

These plans might sound impressive, but when you break it down, it's clear that Culture Amp is an expensive investment.  

Culture AMP user review on G2

There are simpler, more cost-effective ways to engage your employees without breaking the bank which we are going to see in our next section. 

Surveys in Culture amp

Creating surveys in Culture Amp is straightforward and flexible, allowing you to gather valuable insights from your team. Whether you’re new to the platform or an experienced user, here’s how you can make the most of Culture Amp Surveys. 

Here's how you can create surveys on Culture AMP

Types of Surveys You Can Create in Culture Amp

Culture Amp offers a variety of survey types to suit different needs:

  • Engagement Surveys: These help you understand how engaged your employees are with their work and the company.

  • Experience Surveys: These include candidate, onboarding, and exit surveys to get feedback at different stages of the employee lifecycle.

  • Effectiveness Surveys: These focus on team and manager effectiveness, providing insights into how well teams and leaders are performing. 
Here are the different types of surveys on Culture AMP

How to Create Surveys in Culture Amp

You need to be an Account Administrator or a Survey Creator to create surveys. Here’s a step-by-step guide to creating different types of surveys:

  1. Duplicate an Existing Survey

Steps to create surveys on Culture AMP
  • You can use a survey that has already been designed or used in your organization.
  • On the Surveys page, click the drop-down next to the “View reports” button for a specific survey.
  • Click the “Duplicate” option to copy the existing survey.

  1. Create a New Survey From a Template

Steps to create surveys on Culture AMP
  • Culture Amp offers a range of survey templates to get you started quickly.
  • On the Surveys page, click the “Create Survey” button.
  • Browse through the templates, preview them, and select the one that best fits your needs.

  1. Create a Custom Survey 
Steps to create surveys on Culture AMP
  • If existing surveys or templates don’t suit your requirements, you can create a custom survey.
  • Click the “Create Custom Survey” button at the base of the Template library page.
  • This option creates a survey with zero questions, allowing you to add as many custom questions as you need.

Surveys and Programs Page

The Surveys and Programs page in Culture Amp provides an overview of all the surveys and programs you have access to. As an Account Admin, you can:

  • View Recent Surveys: Quickly access the four most recently accessed surveys.
  • Create Surveys and Programs: Easily set up new surveys or programs.
  • Sort and Filter Surveys: Sort by name, type, created date, or updated date. Filter by status (Current, Closed, Archived) or by survey type (Engagement, Experience, Effectiveness).

Managing Surveys

  • Draft Surveys: These are yet to be launched and can be edited by Survey Administrators.
    • Click “Edit Survey” to configure the survey.
    • Preview surveys and reports, archive, or duplicate the survey.
  • Live Surveys: Currently in progress and collecting feedback.
    • View reports to see real-time analytics.
    • Edit the survey setup or resend/reset response links for participants.
    • Add more participants if needed.
  • Closed Surveys: No longer accepting responses but reports can still be viewed and configured.
  • Archived Surveys: These are older surveys that can be restored by an administrator if needed.

Using Culture Amp Surveys, you can effectively gather and analyze feedback, helping you make data-driven decisions to improve employee engagement and performance. 

While the platform offers a robust set of features, remember to consider if it fits your budget and needs before fully committing.

Culture Amp Integrations

Integrating various tools with Culture Amp enhances its functionality, making it a powerful platform for managing employee engagement and performance. 

Here’s a closer look at the different integrations available and how they can benefit you.

What Tools Culture Amp Integrates With

Culture Amp integrates with numerous tools to streamline your HR processes:

  • HR Management Systems
    • ADP: An all-in-one software for HR, payroll, and time management.
    • BambooHR: Simplifies the employee experience with intuitive features and secure data management.
    • Gusto: Modern HR features like payroll, benefits, and hiring management in one place. 

  • Learning and Development Platforms:
    • 360Learning: Empowers companies to upskill from within.
    • CoachHub: A leader in digital coaching solutions.
    • Go1: Offers access to a vast learning library for upskilling and retraining.

  • Compensation Management:
    • Comprehensive: Manages compensation reviews without the need for numerous spreadsheets.
    • Figures: Helps make fair and efficient salary decisions.

  • Communication and Productivity:
    • Microsoft Teams: A workspace for real-time collaboration and communication.
    • Slack: Enhances productivity with no-code automation and seamless knowledge sharing.

  • Other Essential Integrations:
    • Greenhouse: A hiring operating system for people-first companies.
    • Justworks: Bundles payroll, compliance, HR, and benefits.
    • Rippling: Manages HR and IT needs in one system.

How to Integrate Tools with Culture Amp

Integrating tools with Culture Amp is designed to be user-friendly:

  1. Navigate to the Integrations Page:
    • Log in to your Culture Amp account.
    • Go to the Integrations page from the dashboard.

  2. Select the Tool to Integrate:
    • Browse through the list of available integrations.
    • Click on the desired tool (e.g., ADP, Slack) to start the integration process.

  3. Follow the Setup Instructions:
    • Each integration has specific setup instructions.
    • Follow the guided steps to connect the tool with your Culture Amp account.

  4. Test the Integration:
    • Ensure that the integration is working properly.
    • Test by syncing data or performing a test task.

Using Culture Amp Integration, you can connect with a wide range of tools that support your HR needs, from payroll and learning management to communication and productivity. 

This capability not only enhances the platform’s functionality but also helps you create a more efficient and effective work environment. 

Is Culture Amp worth it?

Without a doubt, Culture Amp is a solid platform for improving employee engagement, performance, and development. 

It offers valuable features such as feedback collection, performance management, and personalized growth plans.

However, Culture Amp does have its drawbacks. Managing feedback can be challenging, with comments often getting lost and making it difficult to track progress. 

The survey setup process is also cumbersome, requiring significant time and effort, which can discourage regular use. 

Culture AMP user review on G2

Additionally, the notification system is inconsistent, leading to missed feedback alerts and overlooked important information. 

The integration between surveys and performance reviews is not seamless, making it hard to use survey insights effectively in performance discussions. 

Furthermore, the documentation can be overwhelming, lacking simplicity and clarity.

If your primary needs are straightforward feedback management, easy survey creation, and reliable notifications, you might want to consider an alternative like Wrenly. 

Wrenly excels in organizing feedback, simplifying survey setups, and ensuring consistent notifications.

While Culture Amp shines in many areas, if you prioritize user-friendly interfaces and seamless integrations, exploring other options like Wrenly might be a better fit for your organization.

Let me show you how! A Better Culture Amp Alternative to Employee Engagement Needs

When it comes to improving employee engagement, Wrenly stands out as an excellent alternative to Culture Amp.

Let’s explore why Wrenly might be the right choice for you.

So, What is is an AI-powered platform designed to enhance workplace culture by simplifying employee feedback, surveys, and peer recognition. 

Integrated seamlessly with Slack and MS Teams, Wrenly provides valuable insights and actionable items to help you understand and improve your team's engagement and morale.

Wrenly's Key Features

AI-Powered Insights

  • Wrenly uses AI to help you understand your team's feedback quickly and easily.
  • It analyzes feedback to give you clear insights into what’s boosting or hurting your company culture.
Culture score feature on

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Simplified Feedback and Surveys

  • Wrenly integrates seamlessly with Slack and MS Teams, making it easy to gather feedback without switching platforms.
  • You can set up surveys quickly, and the AI helps you respond to each comment, ensuring no feedback is overlooked.
Surveys on

Peer Recognitions and Rewards

  • Wrenly encourages positive interactions with features for peer recognition and rewards.
  • It reminds you of special occasions like work anniversaries and creates feel-good summaries about employees.
Recognition and insights on

Health Score and Actionable Items

  • Wrenly calculates a health score for your team based on feedback, giving you a clear picture of your workplace environment.
  • It also suggests action items to address issues and improve employee satisfaction. 

Real-Time Feedback and Open Discussions

  • Employees can share feedback at any time, and leadership can respond privately or publicly to initiate team discussions.
  • This feature promotes transparency and encourages open communication within the team.
Suggestion Boxes on

Here’s a quick one-minute video explaining how Wrenly’s collect feedback using anonymous suggestion box Slack. 👇

Why Choose Wrenly Over Culture Amp?

When selecting an employee engagement platform, it's crucial to consider features, usability, cost, and the unique needs of your organization. 

Wrenly offers several advantages over Culture Amp, making it a compelling choice for businesses seeking to enhance their workplace culture.

Anonymous Suggestion Boxes

Wrenly's Approach

  • With Wrenly, you get an anonymous suggestion box feature integrated directly into Slack and MS Teams. This means your employees can share their thoughts and concerns without fear of repercussions.

  • The anonymity fosters a more open and honest dialogue, encouraging your employees to speak up about issues that might otherwise go unreported.

Culture Amp’s Limitations

  • Culture Amp lacks a seamless, integrated anonymous suggestion box within popular workplace communication tools, which can limit its effectiveness in capturing candid feedback.


Wrenly’s Features

  • Wrenly includes whistleblower functionalities, allowing your employees to report misconduct or unethical behavior anonymously.

  • This feature is crucial for maintaining a safe and ethical workplace environment. Your employees can trust that their reports will be handled confidentially and appropriately.

Culture Amp’s Shortcomings

  • Culture Amp does not offer a built-in whistleblower feature, potentially leaving gaps in safeguarding your employee welfare and organizational integrity.

E-Group Cards | Free Recognition Board

Wrenly’s Unique Offering

  • Wrenly allows for the creation of E-group cards, which are digital cards your employees can sign and send for special occasions like birthdays, anniversaries, or other celebrations.

  • This feature helps foster a sense of community and recognition among your team members, enhancing overall employee morale.

Culture Amp’s Miss

  • Culture Amp does not offer E-group cards, missing out on an easy yet impactful way to boost employee engagement and recognition.

Online Surveys

Wrenly’s Strengths

  • Wrenly excels in online survey creation with its AI-powered insights, which help analyze responses and provide actionable feedback.

  • Surveys can be created and distributed easily within Slack and MS Teams, ensuring high participation rates and immediate feedback.

  • The AI helps interpret survey data, highlighting key areas that need attention and providing clear, actionable insights.

Culture Amp’s Approach

  • While Culture Amp also offers robust survey tools, the setup can be complex and less user-friendly compared to Wrenly.

  • Culture Amp’s lack of integration with communication tools for survey distribution can lead to lower engagement rates.


Wrenly’s Advantage

  • Wrenly offers a cost-effective solution with advanced features typically found in higher-priced platforms.

  • The integration with existing communication tools like Slack and MS Teams reduces additional software costs and training expenses.

Culture Amp’s Pricing

  • Culture Amp can be quite expensive, especially for larger organizations. Its tiered pricing model may not offer the same value for money, particularly for smaller businesses or those with tight budgets.

Detailed Comparison

Here’s a detailed comparison to help you understand why Wrenly stands out:

Wrenly vs CultureAmp

User Testimonials

Positive User Feedback for Wrenly

  • Denise R.: "I love that everything is easily integrated and shown through Slack. Creating ease for our team as this is our main way of communication."

  • Verified User in Computer & Network Security: "The software is user-friendly and easy to navigate, which makes it perfect for busy professionals who don't have a lot of time to spare."

  • Kelley P.: "The app has improved team engagement and has given the leadership team the feedback needed to make important decisions."

General Sentiment for Culture Amp

  • While Culture Amp is valued for its comprehensive features, users often find it more complex and expensive compared to other solutions.


If you’re seeking a more intuitive, cost-effective, and integrated solution for employee engagement, Wrenly is a strong Culture Amp alternative. 

Its features like anonymous suggestion boxes, whistleblower protection, E-group cards, and AI-powered online surveys, all integrated within Slack and MS Teams, provide a seamless and efficient way to enhance workplace culture. 

Choose Wrenly to ensure your employees feel heard, valued, and engaged without the high costs and complexity associated with other platforms.

Looking to transform your workplace culture with Wrenly? Try it for free or request a demo today and see the difference for yourself! 

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More Articles From Ali Khan

Ali is a co-founder of Wrenly known for his innovative thinking and exceptional drive to create value for every Wrenly customer. His dedication, mentorship, and leadership skills have not only shaped various careers but have also made him an invaluable asset to the Wrenly team.

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